The Directorate
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
Miklošičeva cesta 24
1507 Ljubljana
phone: +386 1/30 77 296
fax: +386 1/23 12 182
The Institute directorate (headquarters) deals, primarily, with organisation, management, development and coordination. The staff numbers 140. In accordance with the nature of the business, the employees are in most part highly educated, specialising in the fields of economy, law, medicine, science and other disciplines, and they manage and coordinate the Institute's operation.
The Institute management:
Mr. Robert Ljoljo, MSc, MBA - General Manager (phone:+386 1/30 77 296)
Mrs Ana Vodičar M.Phil. - Head - Director of Field for Decision - making on the Rights and Medical Devices (phone: +386 1/30 77 305)
Mr Klemen Ganziti - Head - Director of Field for Arranging of Insurances and International Health Insurance (phone: +386 1/30 77 284)
Mrs Sladjana Jelisavčić - Head - Director of Field for Health care analytics and Economics (phone:+386 1/30 77 439)
Mrs Daniela Dimić - Head - Director of Field for Finance and Planning (phone: +386 1/30 77 575)
Mrs Anka Bolka - Head - Director of Field for Development and Analysis (phone: +386 1/30 77 490)
Mrs Renata Božič Povše - acting Head - Director of Sector for Human resource managment and Organization (phone: +386 1/30 77 410)
Mrs Judita Škufca - Head - Director of Sector for General and Legal affairs (phone: +386 1/30 77 366)
Mrs Melita Čopar - Head - Director of Sector for Internal auditing (phone: +386 1/30 77 269)
Mr Damjan Kos - Head - Director of Sector for Informing and Public relations (phone: +386 1/30 77 374)
Mrs Suzana Jarc M.A. - Executive secretary (phone: +386 1/30 77 478)