Accessing Healthcare in Slovenia
Competent health insurance institute:
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (ZZZS)
The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS)
Miklošičeva cesta 24
SI-1000 Ljubljana
The ZZZS has 10 regional units and 45 branch units located across Slovenia.
All units offer information on health insurance in Slovenia, as well as information about medical practitioners and health care institutions that have contractual agreements with the ZZZS, making it possible to access medical services with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or a Certificate, which is a substitute for the European Health Insurance card.
More information about obtaining medical services using European Health Insurance Card
The insured persons can implement their rights deriving from compulsory health insurance at institutions or surgeries that operate within the framework of the public health care service.
The framework of the public health care service consists of public health care and other institutions, and private practice doctors and other health care practitioners, incorporated into the network on equal terms on the basis of concessions.
The list of health care service providers