HIC System Technical Components

The images present the card front face with visible information. The back side of the card provides brief handling instructions. Special cards have been designed for bilingual regions with equivalent presence of both statutory languages, Slovene - Hungarian or Italian.
The card includes the following electronic information:
- identification number of the health insurance card holder (HIIS number),
- date of issue of the health insurance card,
- name and surname of the health insurance card holder.
Health insurance cards made after 5th November 2008 also include a digital certificate with which the insured person allows health care professionals to access data in back office through the on-line system.
Technical features of health insurance cards made after 5th November 2008:
- Java card 2.2.1,
- GlobalPlatform 2.1.1,
- ISO15408,
- PP SSCD Type 2 & 3 EAL4+,
- memory capacity of EEPROM = 72KB,
- includes an applied structure of information, cryptographic functions, and symmetric keys for mutual identification HPC – HIC for access to information on the health insurance card,
- enables identification, authentication, signing and encryption based on public key infrastructure, and (qualified) digital certificate,
- supports symmetric DES operations, DES3 (112 and 168 bit) and asymmetric RSA (1024, 2048 bit) encryption and hash operations SHA-1, SHA-256,
- enables an electronic signature and data encryption with digital certificates,
- has a life span of 10 years.
The supplier of cards is the French company Gemalto, which prepares the plastic, assembles the chip, provides basic electrical initialisation of the chip, and locks the card with transport keys. Cards are sent to company Cetis from Celje (Slovenia), which unlocks and personalises them: writes the information about the holder into the chip and on the card’s exterior, and ships them together with a cover letter to the home address of the holder. The annual volume of health insurance cards is approximately 106.000 (births, replacing lost and destroyed cards, changes of names etc.). There are over 2.1 million health insurance cards in use.
Health professional card
Health professional cards provide their owners permission to access information they need for work and information for which they have authorisation. Doctors, nurses, administrative staff at reception offices, pharmacists, physical therapists, and other health care professionals possess it.
Approximately 25.000 authorised health care professionals have a professional card.
The technical features of a health professional card are the same as for the health insurance cards.

Card readers
Data from the on-line system can be read or changed only with the simultaneous use of the health insurance card and health professional card. The communication between the cards goes through the card reader and special software. In the Slovene card system there are two types of desktop card readers in use. The manufacturer and supplier of the card readers is Gemalto.
Certification authority of digital ZZZS-CA certificates
HIIS has established a private public key infrastructure (ZZZS-PKI), within which the certification authority for digital ZZZS-CA certificates operates for the needs of the health insurance card system.
ZZZS-CA Certification authority works as a closed system and issues standard (unqualified or normalised) digital certificates for health insurance cards and health professional cards.